Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery (CABG) in Chennai

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Heart Bypass Surgery, or Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG), is a surgery performed by cardiac surgeons on patients with multiple blockages that cannot be treated by angioplasty or other options. This surgery helps restore blocked blood flow to the heart, thus minimising the chances of heart attacks and strokes. Choosing the best cardiac surgeon for Heart Bypass Surgery in Chennai is important for effective treatment.

What Is Heart Bypass Surgery Or Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG)?

Heart Bypass Surgery is a medical intervention used to treat Coronary Artery Disease. Coronary Artery Disease occurs when the blood vessels or arteries carrying blood are blocked due to plaque (fat) deposition. This restricts or blocks the passage of blood to the heart, leading to strokes and cardiac arrest. Coronary artery disease can lead to death if timely treatments are not provided.

In the CABG procedure in Chennai, healthy blood vessels from another part of the patient’s body, preferably an artery from the chest or a vein from the wrist area or leg, are taken and grafted to the blocked vessel. This creates a new pathway for blood flow to the heart and other organs.

This method of bypassing the existing blocked artery helps to restore the blood flow and reduces heart attack symptoms such as chest pain and shortness of breath. According to the studies conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), CABG performed in India has an impressive survival rate of around 98 percent, leading to improved life expectancy for patients.

Our Doctor

Dr. Nikhil P.J.Theckumparampil

Heart Specialist & Cardiac-Surgeon Robotic & Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) TAVR / TAVI Specialist. Senior Consultant Apollo Hospital

  • Gold Medalist in MBBS
  • Trained at Harvard University, Ohio State University, Vanderbilt University and Temple University.
  • Graduated Top of his class in Cardiac Surgery.
  • Awarded Pennsylvania, USA, “Top Doctor”.
  • One of the busiest Robotic Heart Surgeons in the USA performing over 200 robotic assisted cardiac surgeries.
  • Trained and published in LVAD and Heart Transplantation.
  • Returned to India after 17 years in the USA.
  • Associate Professor and Senior Consultant Apollo Hospitals, Chennai.
  • Board Certified by the American Board of Surgery and American Board of CardioThoracic Surgery
  • Only American Board Certified Cardiac Surgeon Currently practicing in India

Who Needs CABG?

After thorough physical examinations, scans, and tests, a cardiac surgeon may recommend CABG for patients with severe coronary artery disease when other treatments, such as medication or lifestyle changes, do not work. Various factors decide whether to proceed with CABG or not, such as: 

  • Severity of Blockages: Patients with multiple blocked coronary arteries, especially those affecting the main coronary artery, are prime candidates for CABG.
  • Effectiveness of Other Treatments: If other treatments like angioplasty or medications have failed to relieve symptoms or reduce the risk of heart attack, CABG may be the next step.  
  • Overall Health: The patient’s overall health and other underlying medical conditions are crucial factors in deciding to undergo a bypass surgery in Chennai. Generally, healthy people without cholesterol, blood pressure, or diabetes are more likely to benefit from CABG.

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Why is Heart360 Care the Top Choice For CABG Consulting In Chennai?

Choosing the right surgeon and the hospital for consultations is the primary step in ensuring a successful Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery in Chennai. Heart360 Care is led by one of the best CABG surgeons in Chennai, Dr Nikhil P.J. Theckumparampil, who has decades of experience in Cardiac surgery and has completed more than 3,000 heart surgeries. 

He has extensive global experience and has trained in cardiac surgery and other advanced procedures like robotic heart surgery at prestigious institutions, including Harvard University, Ohio State University, Vanderbilt University, Temple University, and Pennsylvania University.

He is one of the busiest robotic heart surgeons in the USA, having performed over 200 robotic-assisted cardiac surgeries to date.

Dr. Nikhil is a pioneer in incision-less valve procedures, having conducted more than 400 transcatheter valve replacements using advanced technologies like the Medtronic CoreValve, Edwards Sapien valve, Abbott MitraClip, and Meril MyVal. He is also an expert in surgical electrophysiology, specializing in Cox Maze IV for atrial fibrillation and serving as a proctor for Convergent Hybrid Ablation Procedures.

He is known for his compassionate and patient-centric approach. Dr. Nikhil is highly ethical in his practice and communicates transparently about procedures, success rates, and risks.

How Is Heart Bypass Surgery or CABG In Chennai Performed?

CABG is a major surgery and is typically performed under general anaesthesia. The surgery can take several hours, depending on the severity of the blockages and the number of grafts required. The main steps of the surgery include:

  • After administering anaesthesia, a long incision is made on the centre of the chest to open the rib cage and access the heart.
  • The surgeon then harvests the graft by removing healthy blood vessels from the patient’s chest, leg, or arm.
  • The harvested vessel is grafted onto the coronary artery, creating a new blood flow route. This creates a bypass route for the smooth flow of the blocked blood.
  • Once the grafts are in place and blood flow is restored, the surgeon closes the incision with sutures or staples.

Types of CABG:

There are basically 2 main types of CABG surgery performed by cardiac surgeons in Chennai: On-pump and Off-pump procedures. 

On-pump bypass surgery is the conventional or traditional CABG procedure that uses a heart-lung machine (cardiopulmonary bypass). The heart-lung machine takes over the functioning of the heart and lungs during the surgery. The heart is stopped temporarily by injecting a specialized solution to provide a clear and stable field for the surgeons to perform delicate procedures such as CABG with precision. 

Off-pump bypass surgery is performed on a beating heart and does not use a heart-lung machine. In this surgery, the area of the heart where the grafts will be attached is stabilised using special devices and immobilised while the rest of the heart continues to beat.

What Are The Benefits Of CABG Or Heart Bypass Surgery?

The CABG procedure has many advantages, especially for patients with severe coronary artery disease. The primary benefits include:

  • CABG can significantly reduce symptoms associated with heart attacks like chest pain (angina) and shortness of breath.
  • For many patients, the quality of life improves after CABG, as they are able to perform most of their daily activities without discomfort.
  • CABG has increased survival rates, especially in patients with severe blockages in multiple coronary arteries.

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How Is The Recovery Period After A Heart Bypass Surgery or CABG?

After surgery, patients are moved to the intensive care unit (ICU) for close monitoring. Depending on the severity of the blockages and the complexity of the procedure, patients may remain in the ICU for a few days. 

Once the vitals have stabilised and the patient shows signs of improvement, they are shifted to the regular hospital rooms. During this time, healthcare providers continue to monitor vital signs, manage pain and discomfort from the surgery, and check for any signs of complications, such as infection or bleeding. The hospital duration also varies based on how well the patient is responding to medications and recovering. 

Recovery at home can take several weeks to a few months. Key aspects of recovery include:

  • Keeping the surgical incisions or wounds clean and dry to prevent infection.
  • Physical activities are restricted as intense activities can strain the muscles and cause bleeding. Physical activities will be increased gradually, as advised by the healthcare team, to strengthen the heart and improve overall fitness.
  • Restrictions on diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption are also mandatory to maintain a healthy heart after a CABG.
  • Must strictly adhere to regular follow-ups with the cardiologist and surgeon to monitor progress and address any concerns.

What Is The Cost Of CABG In Chennai?

The average cost of CABG in Chennai is approximately around INR 3,50,000.  Various factors affect the rate of CABG surgery: 

Hospital Recognition: Reputed private hospitals charge higher prices, but they offer modern amenities and personalized care for patients. 

Hospital Location: Hospitals in urban areas that are easily accessible to patients and families tend to charge higher fees. 

Surgeon’s specialization: Surgeons with years of experience and specialization in cardiac surgery generally charge higher fees.

Diagnostic Tests: Comprehensive preoperative tests such as ECG, blood tests, and angiography add to the initial cost.

Follow-Up Care: Postoperative care, including ICU stays, follow-up consultations, and rehabilitation, can significantly affect the total cost. 

Type of the CABG: Using a heart-lung machine can be costlier due to longer surgery times and hospital stays. 

General Health Condition: People with severe heart blockages may require more complex and expensive surgeries. Other health issues like diabetes, kidney disease, or respiratory conditions can complicate surgery and increase costs due to the need for specialised care and extended hospitalisation.

Recovery and Rehabilitation: After surgery, ongoing medications and rehabilitation therapies or exercises for managing pain, preventing blood clots, and controlling other health conditions can add to the total costs of the CABG surgery in Chennai.

Queries on Cost?

What Are The Risks Of Heart Bypass Surgery/CABG?

While CABG in Chennai is a highly effective treatment, it is a high-risk surgery and can have potential complications like:

  • Infection at the site of the incision or in the chest
  • Bleeding during or after surgery
  • Although rare, heart attack or stroke can occur during or after the procedure due to blood clot formations
  • Irregular heartbeats or arrhythmias
  • Kidney problems in patients with pre-existing kidney disease
  • Some patients may experience temporary memory problems post-surgery
  • Failure of the graft 
  • Chances of getting pneumonia 

Frequently Asked Questions

CABG is a major heart surgery for repairing blocked arteries and blood vessels. The success rate of CABG in Chennai is very high. Patients who underwent a CABG have the grafts functioning for over 15 years or more. However, the longevity of the results depends on several factors, including the patient’s overall health, adherence to lifestyle changes, and management of diseases like high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Yes, CABG improves the overall quality of life in patients with artery blockages. The recovery duration of CABG can be a little tiring as the body is healing from a major high-risk surgery. Within a month or two, you will be able to resume your normal daily activities. A complete recovery can be expected in around 3 months.
There is no strict age limit for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery. The decision to perform CABG is based on the patient’s overall health and the severity of their coronary artery disease. However, age can be a factor in determining the risks and benefits of the surgery.
Healthcare professionals recommend avoiding travelling for a few weeks post-surgery, particularly long flights. Once a doctor has examined and has given approval for travel, patients can resume their trips. Prior to travelling, patients should make sure that they are able to get easy healthcare access and avoid excessive physical exertion.
The choice of the procedure depends on various factors, such as the patient’s overall health, the severity of the blocks and their location, etc. CABG is often preferred for patients with multiple or complex blockages, while angioplasty with stenting is used for single or less complicated blockages.
Yes, it is best to limit strenuous activities, like driving, for at least 4 to 6 weeks post-surgery or until the patient gets clearance from their cardiologist. This is to ensure safety and adequate healing.
Yes, in order to have a healthy heart post-CABG, you need to adopt a heart-healthy diet low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, and sodium is recommended. Your heart-healthy diet must include more fibrous content such as vegetables and fruits, lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats in your diet list.

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